Midna - How It's Done

  • 投稿日:2022/1/21
  • 2491 再生
  • 76 いいね


Hello once again! Been a little bit, but I finally got around to making a new video. This time I used everyone's favorite little imp, Midna! WOO! This model is pretty bare-bones, so I couldn't do anything too fancy with my novice skill set. Hopefully it's good enough. Before you think I was lazy to just have her float in mid-air like that, keep in mind that she does actually float around in the games, so it makes sense. Also her helmet would clip into the floor at a certain point and I didn't know what to do about it. So floating she is! Hopefully you all won't mind.
Model: Zy0n7
Stage: Nintendo, Julehyrule and Hakirya
Skydome Texture: Made it myself
Motion and Camera: モン娘の話するかも (with slight edits be me)
Effects: AutoLunimous, MetaballParticle, GreenerShader, AdultShader