Miku and Rin Demi - Wiggle Wiggle

  • 投稿日:2021/12/29
  • 5394 再生
  • 140 いいね


Its pretty, could have done better on the sex scene but i was doing house work while rendering various camera angles so derp =X but still good quality! Alot of times I'm more of a quantity over quality sort of person T.T
I downloaded marvelous designer so once i get the hang of that hopefully i can do fancy cloth simulations all the time like the pros do XD simply cloth is kinda stinky for mmd clothes
Uhm So Miku Demi and Rin Demi models / stage was called table and macbook X.x with an hdri for the housey motion was ofc Wiggle wiggle, and stand and carry by ademar~