Artoria Pendragon + Illya - Classic~

  • 投稿日:2021/12/26
  • 7725 再生
  • 191 いいね


I semi half assed the dance motion, but i didn't skimp on the sexy part XD but since i normally do dance then sexy time i wanted to include something for those who enjoy that~ So its Artoria Pendragon and Illya i think they are both from Fate/Stay though i don't know much about it O.o I just saw that Illya had a nice hole and pretty cute looking, and then i just went and looked for someone else to pair her with, and Artoria compliments her looks, the dick is from Maran~
First stage was called Villa, other stage was DOA bedroom i think
Motion was classic, and the sex motion was one of Ademars loops, but i had to edit it quite a bit to get the dick to stay where i wanted it toooooooooo. I think Maran is still hung up on Izumi /shrug these blondes are cute too yeh?!
Models are ofc Artoria Pendragon/Illya/ and Maran no editing done they are as is -------ENJOY--------- THIS IS HOW I SPENT MY CHRISTMAS WEWWWWWW XD