一週間投稿遅れました。最近仕事が忙しすぎてMMDをほぼいじれず作成に時間がかかりすぎて投稿遅くなりました。今回の動画のイメージは前回の美野里の催眠モードの残り3パータンを試してみました。って感じです。因みにイチャラブモード以外の3パターンは催眠モード:完全に言いなりだが、感情がなく反応が薄くまぐろ状態になってしまう。ドSモード:快楽魔人化でとにかく男を性的に襲うモード。ドMモード:特に露出でのペット調教がお好みな状態。って感じのイメージで作ってます。( ´∀` )そして今回新機能で催眠覚醒機能を使ってますが催眠状態のまま意識のみ覚醒させる状態です。後、今回時間がなかったことから字幕の翻訳を入れてません(m´・ω・`)m ゴメン…__________________________________________________I\'m a week late posting this.I\'ve been so busy with work lately that I haven\'t been able to do much with MMD, and it\'s taken me too long to make this video.The image of this video is the remaining three parts of Minori\'s hypnosis mode from last time. This time, I tried the remaining three parts of Minori\'s hypnotic mode.In case you\'re wondering, the three patterns other than the lovey-dovey mode areHypnosis mode: She is completely at your mercy, but she has no emotions and her reactions are weak.Dos mode: A mode in which she sexually assaults a man by turning him into a pleasure demon.Dom mode: She likes to be exposed and trained as a pet.That\'s the image I\'m trying to create.And this time, I\'m using the new hypnotic awakening function, which only awakens the conscious mind while in a hypnotic state.Also, due to lack of time, I didn\'t include the translation of the subtitles this time.Translated with DeepL.com/Translator (free version)