[R-18] (Genshin Impact) Lumine x Butterfly - GimmexGimme

  • 投稿日:2021/12/5
  • 3846 再生
  • 114 いいね


Lumine was given a strange new commission - Dance for a group a super VIPs? With a very high reward, Lumine agrees to the commission. Little does she know, she will start a trend that many of the other characters will soon participate in
(I know some parts are lacking, but as a first MMD, I am satisfied. Next uploads will definitely be better! I promise!)
Model - MDJSN - / /> Butterfly - Mr.西兰花 - / /> Stage, motions and camera - Dr.Cossack - / /> SPECIAL THANKS TO MDJSN, Mr.西兰花, and You32081, without the tips and advice you guys gave, this project wouldn't have been possible :)