「お菓子をくれなきゃイタズラするぞ♡」→むしろしてください。こちら( / )のハルカに触発されたのです。テスト的にハルカの胸剛体(胸上2)の手前に重力ありの剛体とジョイントをおいて、胸を垂らす形で揺れを変化させてみました。無改造(おっぱいは大きくなるけど)のヒカリと(モーションが反転なので基本一緒)見比べてみてください。字幕なし版はこちら( / )[MMD Pokemon] "Happy Halloween" with Haruka and Hikari [with subtitles]"If you don\'t give me sweets, you\'ll be mischievous ♡" → Rather, please.I was inspired by Haruka here (/ a test, I placed a rigid body with gravity in front of Haruka\'s chest rigid body (above the chest 2) and tried to change the shaking by hanging the chest.Compare it with Hikari (although the boobs get bigger) without modification (basically the same because the motion is reversed).Click here for the unsubtitled version (/