雪泉、飛鳥、焔 奴隷3娘公開凌辱ショー

  • 投稿日:2021/10/8
  • 36986 再生
  • 708 いいね


元々sandchwiさんのごほうびぱんぱんをレイプ風に変えたのを作ってたんですが、シチュエーションが思いつかず何故か他のキャラも巻き込んで奴隷公開レイプ風にしてみようという謎の発想から今回の動画になりました( ´艸`)一応イメージ的には前回のTINダンスの続きのイメージで罪袋に奴隷化させられた雪泉のダンスは大好評であったが、「自分の奴隷の方が優秀だ」と罪袋2名が名乗り出た。そして、どの奴隷が一番いやらしいか決めるためそれぞれの奴隷に対する公開凌辱ショーが開かれることに。( ´艸`)って感じです。_________________________________________________________Originally I was making a rape style version of sandchwi\'s Reward Pan Pan, but I couldn\'t think of a situation for it.I\'m not sure why I didn\'t think of it, but I thought I\'d involve other characters and make it look like a public slave rape, and that\'s how this video came about.It\'s a continuation of the TIN dance from last time, and the dance of Yukizumi, who was enslaved by the sin bag, was very well received."However, two sin bags came forward and said, "My slave is better than yours.However, two sin bags came forward to say that their slaves were better than hers, and a public humiliation show was held to determine which slave was the most disgusting. That\'s about it.